
Image and video hosting by TinyPic  $150 USD
  • 2 hours or less 
  • editing included 
  • Additional pricing for digital copies, prints, and copyright
Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
$300 USD
  • 2-4 hours 
  • editing included 
  • +$20 for standstill film
  • Additional pricing for digital copies, prints, and copyright

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

$450 USD

  • 4-6 hours
  • editing included
  • digital copies and copyright included
  • Printing available (prices vary)
  • +$30 for standstill film
  • additional pricing for video copies 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
 $600 USD

  • 6- 8 hours
  • editing included
  • digital copies and copyright included 
  • two prints included
    • 12x12
    • 11X14
  •   additional printing available {prices vary)
  • standstill film included
  • additional pricing for film copies
Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
$50 USD per person
  •  Maximum of 2 hours
  • Minimum of 2 people
  • +$20 for every additional hour
  • editing included
  • NO film
  • additional pricing for digital copies and copyright
  • NO print
Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

$60 USD per person
  • maximum of 4 hours
  • minimum of 2 people
  • +$25 per additional hour
  • digital copies and copyright included
  • +$40 for standstill film/$10 digital copies
  • +$20 for moving snippets/$5 digital copies 

